Ruls and Regulations
Examination System :
a)Written exams are being conducted at the university site or at its offices braches internally and externally and will be corrected according to the secret numbers (passwords)
b) The term’s works consist of the following context:
-Mid exam in context 1 ,the scientific department specified in coordination with the teacher of the subject the dates of those exams.
-virtual classes assignments (symposiums , seminars, researches and mini projects) and other various works that the students are assigned with during the term according to the study plan.C)scores are counted and are registered for every track out of a hundred, the student is considered pass in the track if he got 50 scores or more.
d)final score for the track consists of term accumulation of works and the final exam score
e)Term’s works score is 40 % as maximum limit while the final exam score is 60 % of the total subject’s score.
f) The department is responsible for distributing marks specialize for term’s works to the course an its parts.
The transfer system to the university from other universities
The registered student in other recognize Yemeni or foreign universities is allowed to transfer to the Future Universities under the following conditions:
1 – The student submitted a written request supported with required documents to the students’ affairs deanship during the acceptance and registration period.
2 – Ratify all study documents by the concerned agencies which issued them.
3 – The student should be registered at a university follows the attendance system.
4 – The student should finish the first level successfully in the university that he had been transferred from.
5 -The student shouldn’t be dismissed from the university that he ha been transferred from.
6 – The transferred student should be enrolled at the level determined by the clearance committee after the conducting of the required clearance process in accordance to the clearance conditions procedures . specified by the university.
7 -The already courses scores of the student that he /she had studied at the university/the university he /she was transferred from equivalent to the available subjects in the plan within the accumulative grades in the university should be counted
8 – For the transferred student from other universities ,any study subject passed for seven years is not counted except the university requirements and the elective subjects.
9 – Accredited hours that the student studies at the university shouldn’t be less than 50% out of the total hours of the accredited study plan and he should spend half of the required study duration estimated at two years.
10 -Student is not accepted when is being transferred from another university to the FU by clearance system if he doesn’t have the original transcript from that university ratified by the higher education ministry enclosed with details of the subjects to be compared with what the student had studied in that university whence contents and number of hours.
11 -Not accepting the students of the administrative science national institute at the second level and at the same major the student got at the national institute , his average at the secondary school suitable for the required averages in the year of registration at the university with his accumulation average estimate at(80) in the diploma certificate.
12 -Not accepting the students of institutes graduates who aren’t accredited by the vocational education ministry.
Withdrawal from the university:
The student is entitled during the first two weeks of study to request the deferment of his study if has persuasive reasons and according to proceedings and conditions that are specified by the university taking in mind that student is entitled to stop his registration unless one year has passed since he has registered.
The student is entitled to withdraw from the university and return his credentials an gets transcript if he has completed the following proceedings:
1- Submit an official request in accordance to the sample prepared for that to the students affairs dean specifying inside it the reasons of withdrawal .
2- Submit non financial liability required to the university .
3- Complete proceedings of liability clearance from the university according to the form prepared for that.
4- Delivery of the FU card if the student had received it before the withdrawal request.
5- The student is considered withdrawn from learning after the approval of the college deanship and students’ affairs deanship in writing.
6- The withdrawn student isn’t entitled to reregister in FU once again whatever the reasons are.
Stop registration(postponement) and reregister
The student is entitled to come forward during the first two weeks of study and submit a request for deferment if he has persuasive reasons and in accordance with the terms an conditions determined by the university ,taking into consideration that the student doesn’t have the right to stop registration unless his registration passes one year since start of registration.
Cancellation of Registration:
Student registration is cancelled by the college council at he following conditions:
• If it has been decided to dismiss him according to the provisions stated in the students’ affairs regulations.
• If he exceeds the allowed period for study to obtain the first university certificate base in the students’ affairs regulation .
• If the student has withdrawn by his personal desire.
• If he is transferred to other college or university.
• If the regular student is new or stopped his study for more than weeks without an inacceptable excuse.
• If more than one academic year has passed on his stop of registration and doesn’t submit a request for reregistration.
Student registration is cancelled with a decision by the university council in the following conditions:
• If a dismissal decision was taken against him by the discipline committee at the university.
• If a judiciary decision was taken against him in a dishonor case or at any other criminal case.
Transfer System within the University
Transfer from scientific section to another scientific section within the college.The registered student is entitle at one of the university’s colleges to transfer from one section that he ha enrolled at to another section at the same college according to the following conditions:
1-The student carries out the filling of a sample form for transfer at the students affairs.
2-The student submits his application to the dean of the college during a period not more than two weeks from the beginning of the academic year.
3-The student should complete all conditions regarding enrollment in the scientific section that he is interested to transfer to.
4-Transfer process to a section that the student wants to transfer to it only if the college dean approves based on a recommendation from head of the scientific section and the approval of the students affairs.
Failure and Termination
1-The student is considered failed if any subject of the required subjects by him in the following cases:
a)If he hasn’t got the lowest score specified for success in the required subject.
b)If the student has been absent during the term in one of the required subjects more than the allowed period for him under the attendance provisions in this regulation.
c) If he was found in cheating status or initiated it , in this case he would be deprived from the subject that he was found in cheating status in addition to the subject that followed it in the exam.2)The student repeats the academic level that he had studied if failed in more than required subjects in that level and repeats the exam in the subjects he had failed only.
3)The student is dismissed from the university definitely in the following cases:
a)If failed in one academic level for two consecutive years.
b)If he had repeated cheating twice during his academic study.
c)If a termination decision has been issued against him according provisions of the university regulations and rules.
The University ID
The ID is given to the student who has completed all proceedings and conditions for registration and he should carry it during the direct learning meeting , exams and shows it when requested .

Grievance system
Student can submit a grievance of his exam result according to the following conditions:
a)Student should submit a grievance in writing to the college dean at a maximum period one week after the announcement of the result.
b)Student who submitted the grievance pays the grievance fees specified by the dean of the college ,in case of grievance of more than one result ,the grievance should be submitted in writing to the dean of the college and pays the fees of each result respectively.
c)The student who submitted the grievance signed a confess before the dean for the acceptance of the grievance result whatever it is according to what the regulation stipulates or send via his private e.mail.
d)It is not allowed to withdraw the grievance only after the submission of grievance request , paying the fees and sign the mentioned confess.
e)The dean of the college assigns a verification committee for the grievance headed by the head of the department and two members of teaching staff ,after reassuring that all student’s answers were corrected by the teacher and all scores were accumulated ,the committee should the comparison of scores given to the grievance with those given to him by the teacher to five other students represent the scores range.
f) The committee reports in detailed report to the college dean with the verification result within a week of its formation.
g)In case of there is no change in the score got by the student originally , the student is to be dismissed from the college .
h) If the scores got by the grievance student were found leading to amend the result , the scores given by the committee should be certified and the result of the student is to be amended accordingly.
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