Acceptance &Registration System in College
Study System :-
University Colleges take the terms system whereas the academic year is divided into two main academic terms and optional summer semester .
Required Documents for acceptance
1.Original secondary certificate with two ratified photocopies .
2-original certificate equivalent issued from the concerned parties in the ministry of education for the holder of the secondary certificate outside Yemen with a copy for it.
3.Copy of the personal ID or the family ID with the original .
4-Copy of the passport for non Yemenis with ratified copy.
5.Eight personal photos (4X6) with white background.
6.Origional receipt registration fees payment.
7.Registration form filled and signed b y the student .
8.Unertakes committing by the university regulations .
9-origiinal transcript ratified by the previous university and the higher ministry regarding the transferred students .
Acceptance Conditions:
1.Student should get the secondary school certificate or equivalent .
2.Student should complete conditions regarding acceptance in every college.
3.Student should sign undertaking in which he is committed to all university rules and regulations.
4.Studnet submit original certificate he has held with ratified photocopies.
5.Student should pay the due registration fees.
6.Student should fill the forms regarding acceptance and registration in the university.
7.Commit to the acceptance percentage that is specified by the ministry of education annually.
8.commit to the conditions of bridging system specified by the higher education and scientific research.
How to be enrolled at the Open Learning College at the Future University .
Review with the OLC at the university or affiliated offices to the university abroad to get to know the acceptance and registration conditions:
Submit required documents to the acceptance and registration officer for insurance of their truth.
Pay the required fees and get a receipt .
Receive notification of acceptance including university Number and the special account on L.M.S system .
Initial registration via the electronic learning gate where student can register initially via the college of open learning electronic gate in filling the special form an send it ,registration should be completed via the main headquarter at he OLC ,or via affiliated university branches internally and externally.
Allowed period for Acceptance and Registration:
Registration ,transfer, withdraw, stop registration and reregistration period ends according to the academic year of the OLC.
Transfer System within the University
Secondly: Transfer from a college to another college within the university.
The registered student at one of the university colleges is entitled to transfer from one college to another according to the following conditions:
1-Student submits an official application stating his willingness in transfer to another college to the students affairs’ deanship at the university during two weeks since the start of the academic year.
2- Students’ affairs deanship referring the application according to a typical form prepared for that purpose to the intended college for saying its opinion , in case of approval the application is to be referred to the college dean in which is going to be transferred from for approval an completion proceedings.
3-Student should complete conditions of the enrollment in the college that he intends to transfer to an should be fulfilling all conditions of the section he intends to be transferred to.
4-Sudents wasn’t dismissed from the college that he intends to transfer to for disciplinary reasons.
5-Student is to be enrolled at the level that is decided by the clearance committee after the equivalence process has been done.
Firstly: Transfer from scientific section to another scientific section within the College :
The registered student in one of the university colleges is entitled to transfer from the section which he joined to another section at the same college according to the following conditions:
1-Student fills the typical transfer form at the students’ affairs.
2-Student submits his request to the college’s dean during a period not more than two weeks since the start of the academic year.
3-Student should complete all conditions regarding the enrollment in the scientific section that he wants to transfer to.
4-Transfer process can’t be completed only after the approval of the concerned college’s dean based on the recommendation of the head of the scientific section which the student intends to transfer to and the approval of the students’ affairs dean .
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