Profile On Open Learning

Profile of Electronic Learning

Open learning is considered pillar of the pillars human development through availing the opportunity for ages c categories to be enrolled in the universities, since it becomes impossible to close the doors in the face of seekers for scientific education ,as all know that the goal of in distance learning is not to get a scientific certificate for the purpose of work as far as what is to avail the chance for many in developing their scientific abilities and giving them the chance to compensate what they were deprived from getting higher education .
Basically,the open learning College in the future university in its academic and educational work will depend on the in distance electronic learning system which is a system facilitates for the student to study and get scientific education at any specialization he wants, except applied scientific fields in the pure sciences, here we have to put in our accounts that most of the countries seek to support the method of higher education in distance which will allow the majority to study and enable any student a chance to get a scientific qualification aiming at developing his scientific an intellectual capacities an increasing his expertise at any field. Therefore, the college educational policy depends on learning system intermingles with electronic learning elements and distance learning along with face to face study within ingenerated educational framework depending on the following methods:
-Self study through internet network ,the OLC information network at the FU for the electronic syllabuses.
– self study through the university book which is prepared in accordance with the distance learning system enclosed with CDs designed under the latest authorship for the educational software.
-Direct lectures and classrooms (face to face) between the student & teacher at college study centers.
-Virtual classrooms using IT .
-Visual video conferences conducted by teachers for the students at the study centers .

Concepts Concern You

Open Learning

OL is knowledge & skills acquisition process via mediator to transfer education and information including all technology types and various learning forms for distance learning.

Distance learning

DL is an educational process where through it learning process is occurred from a far source timely and spatially, whereas often is not conditioned the presence of the instructor and the student face to face at one place or time , which through it numerous types of learning and instructing are used and provide feedback to the student ,supporting him with flexible educational subjects and different communication techniques which encourage him to self learning and depending on himself.

Self Distance Learning

SDL is a learning process conducted by the student depending on himself through his interaction with educational curricula prepare for distance learning program via what he got of feedback from instructors and supervisors implementing the program.

Electronic Learning

EL is an educational program introduction through various electronic modes including CDs and internet network with synchronized method or unsynchronized depending on self learning or learning by the instructor’s assistance.


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