Department Of Social Work and Community Development

Community Service Department

Vision :
Prepare , qualify and graduate specialists equipped with knowledge and scientific skills for practicing the social service domestically, regionally and internationally with a distinctive level of professional performance.

The community service section carries out graduating social specialists who are equipped with fundamentals of knowledge and skills in accordance to local criteria in the social service that meets the administrative and technical needs for the social and developmental institutions with special care of the most needy categories and make a positive social change in the local community and has a full awareness of the needs and community issues ,environment and profession ethics.

Goals :
1- Provide student with theoretical and practical tools that qualify him as a social specialist to meet social needs for various categories :children , elderly , youths in difficulties and addicted etc…
2- Qualify the student scenically and on the field , to taking with social issues at several levels: individual , family , collectively and socially.
3- Develop the student’s abilities at scientific research field( descriptive , analytical , and evaluation ) in central social issues laid out on the vocational arena.
4- Enable the student of engaging and merging inside social institutions ,develop them and administer them on harmonized modern scientific basis with the privacy of the social institutions.
5- Give student required professional tools that enable him of understanding policies ,criticize them and put alternatives for it.

Firstly: Social Service Fields Program

Vision :
The social service fields program seeks to contributing in preparing specialist graduate in the social service , general practitioner has experience , skill and high quality of coping with scientific and technological developments , being able to compete in the labor market , develop educational infrastructures process in various social service fields particularly , modern fields such as empowerment of woman looking after categories of special needs the most favorable category of care , conduct research and scientific studies that contribute in solving issues facing the local community.

The social service fields program carries out contributing in preparing social specialists able to compete in the labor market and has theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the various social service fields , where its message extends to higher studies through conducting scientific and practical studies dealing with issues face individuals ,groups ,communities , and institutions competently ,develop the knowledge building theoretically and practically in light of the local , regional and international developments.

1- Aims at preparing knowledgeable cadres , developing them professionally to work in the vocational practice for the social service ,graduate social specialists who work as general practitioner after preparing him scientifically and practically.
2- Contribute in describing the study program of the section and describing the requirements of the social service fields , determine the targeted results and the required skills for the graduates.
3- Teach the requirements of the program in light of the description of the requirements and continuous revision for this description in light of the scientific and practical development on the local , regional and international aspects.
4- Lay out a search plan for the program ,determine fields regarding study and research in the social service fields.
5- Contribute in developing the filed training program in various social service fields in what contributes in developing the practical training program to the section within the framework of coordination with other sections.
6- Contribute in the community service to implement training courses, workshops for all local community sectors ,bottom groups ,institutions ,governmental, private and voluntary organizations.

Secondly: Community Development

The Community development program and the community organization seeks to be in line with the local and regional developments for contributing in preparing a graduate be able to compete in the labor market and possesses experience and skill through investing all available human , substantial and technical resources. This can be obtained via continuous evolution for knowledge building to the community arrangement and development to be directed towards local and regional communities equipped with scientific knowledge and efficient skills at a distinctive professional performance level.

The social Development and Community Organization will contribute in preparing social specialist equipped with basic professional and practical knowledge to deal the community at local , national and regional levels and has required skill in dealing with social problem in local community sectors its leaderships and bottom groups in what contributes in the community development and guidance ,create social change through field , scientific , training courses and the community research procedures , workshops within a framework of commitment in professional ethics of social ,contributing in development of theoretical and knowledge construction theoretically and practically.

1- Acquire students theoretical knowledge regarding basic methods for developing local community.
2- Assist students to develop own selves , abilities and their vocational skills through practical professionalism and under professional supervision>
3- Acquire students scientific and social research skills for various attitudes and situations and administer different social institutions.
4- Acquire students various work’s skills regarding vocational practice for developing the local community.
5- Acquire learners skills of developing the local community.


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